Sunday, October 13, 2013


Ideologies are a system of ideas that can be forcefully imposed of willingly subscribed by our society. Things that we see in our daily lives, such as washroom signs, or signs in general, are all ideological because they convey authority and the idea that "that's just the way things are".

There are 3 ways in which ideologies work, and they are (1) Myth, (2) Doxa, (3) Hegemony. Myth is a sacred story that confirms and reproduces ideologies in relationship to a cultural object such as media artifact. Doxa is the "common sense" aspect of culture and hegemony is the unspoken message. After being shown a touching and inspiring video where a scarecrow is sad about how all the food is produced with poor treatment to animals, it turns out that it was just an advertisement for Chipotle's app on Apple's App Store.
The mythical element of this advertisement is a living scarecrow that scares away crows from the farmer's produce. The same for how the scarecrow dislike Crow Foods Incorporated. The doxa is that we can be a vegetarian or a vegan and therefore avoid any intake of all meat that were treated in a inhumane way. However, the most interesting part is the hegemony, the unspoken message is that WE as an individual is at fault for not avoiding the brands that produce meat that were slaughtered. They never show that it's the industry's fault when all major food brands or restaurants get their meat from the same factory! It is all just plain advertising to promote Chipotle.

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