Sunday, September 29, 2013

Metaphysics and Pragmatism

Humans have always wondered how things came to be and it is normal as we are curious creatures that have a high intellectual to think and reason. A branch of philosophy called metaphysics is the study of being and existence (ontology). With many abstract theories, we humans will have never-ending debates about how the world was made, and on many other subjects.
Having theories and thoughts are needed so that we are not trapped - it allows us to think outside the box and have reasons in our lives. However, sometimes these questions can't help us move on. They aren't practical enough, and here is where pragmatism comes in. Pragmatism is also another branch in philosophy that focuses on everyday practical affairs; what works, what doesn't work, and why - so that improvements can be made.

My aunt has once told me a story while she stayed at my house temporarily before moving back to her home country. She has a very religious friend which is a close friend of hers. When my aunt has put her house up for sale, her friend gave her a bible as a gift. when my aunt's house got sold, her friend gave her a call and said, "See? I knew your house would get sold! That's because i prayed everyday for you, and also gave you a bible." After hearing that, my aunt just smiled but thought that what she said was not practical at all! Her house got sold because another person is looking for a house, not because of prayers.

There is nothing wrong with being religious, but sometimes pragmatism is safer in regards to everyday life, it is local, contingent, contextual, historical and helps us to measure and produce tangible results!

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