Sunday, September 15, 2013

Virtuous or Vicious Cycle?

Even before mass media came through, societies way back have already started implementing feudalism which is a system for ordering society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.
it all made sense to these people why they belonged to their rank in the hierarchy that they didn't even question why because they thought that it's how it's supposed to be. Till today, the society, or the economic system, shapes everything such as attitudes, values, and culture.

Ultimately, the government, institutions, legal systems all are equivalent to the ruling class back in the day and so their ideas are popularized in their own interest while making it seem like it is in the best interest of everybody.

The mass media will always stand with the ruling class, so where ever you stand differentiates whether you are helping to "create" a false consciousness or the one that is experiencing the false consciousness.  Like all citizens, we are mostly unaware of the true nature of the system. Even if we do, we just turn a blind eye to it because that is how the world is and there is nothing we can do about it but to follow and live with it for the rest of our lives.

Moving on to the title of my post today "Virtuous or Vicious cycle". I just thought that even though they associate a virtuous cycle for the ruling class and the vicious cycle for the lower class, the lower class might not even see it as a vicious cycle because they also believe that it is how it's suppose to be. And so we are just going to work, buying things and repeating it everyday, believing it as a virtuous cycle.

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