Monday, September 23, 2013

News Reporting Conventions

There are different types of biases when the news present their information. In the end, underlying all news production is The Profit Motive. And since news is a huge part of mass media, they will of course try to control what we should know and what we should be interested in. All sorts of news is biased these days, depending on the economy, the country, and even the situation itself.
Some biases that the news have when reporting include treating the news too personalized. They often focus on the individual and not on the larger social structure, which is also similar to 'authority disorder' - meaning that when a situation occurs, the news doesn't focus on "why the problem surfaced" or "why is it a problem" but only on the voices of the officials. One reason why they would do that is to try to gain public trust when there is fear so they can handle the situation however they want with the public on their side.

There was a video which i watched about half a year ago. This video was alleged as clip of the news that aired in North Korea and it shows the modern day America as well as how its citizens are living today. Now, the so called "modern day America" would definitely shock you as the video showed that Americans seems to be living in really bad economic times. It shows that Americans drink water from the snow and other things which is not true - but how will North Korea's citizens know? They've never been outside their own country. This is shown to the public so that every citizen will feel more powerful than the US.

However, that doesn't mean the US is better off, over in the states, news about North Koreans are always biased when any situation arises. News can be over dramatized by either countries so much that we really need to filter for ourselves as to what is true. We shouldn't believe every word that the news reporters say because then we would have a biased opinion as well.

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